In-School Grief Support

When a child experiences a significant loss, it can feel like the whole world has been turned upside down, not only for the child, but for the entire family as well. We also know that following a death in the family system many barriers to counseling can arise with transportation, finances, and scheduling. In-school counseling services allow our team of professional counselors to overcome these barriers by meeting with the child during the school day.

How Frederick Health Hospice helps:

Frederick Health Hospice provides grief support to Frederick County Public School students through individual counseling and support groups at no charge to participants. We work with the school staff to identify the best time for the child’s counseling appointments, to have the least impact on the child’s learning.

Our grief support groups and counseling sessions with students focus on:

  • Finding healthy ways to grieve and cope with loss
  • Identifying and regulating difficult emotions
  • How to communicate about thoughts and feelings related to grief
  • Learning ways to remember and commemorate the deceased loved one

To initiate in-school services, guardians are invited to reach out to the school guidance counselor where the student attends, or guardians can also reach out to the Community Agency School Services (CASS) coordinator that is assigned to that school. If the guardian is unsure who to contact within their school or CASS, please contact the Frederick Health Hospice Bereavement Team by emailing or calling 240-566-3030.

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